Royal Observatory Greenwich

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Adult: £24.00
Royal Observatory, Blackheath Avenue, Greenwich SE10 8XJ
Phone number:
020 8312 6608
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Advance Booking Required 

Take a selfie at the historic Prime Meridian where east meets west and take your place at the centre of the world. Whilst you're at the top of the hill at the Royal Observatory be sure to enjoy the views of London, and beautiful Greenwich Park.

Visit the beautiful Flamsteed House, designed by Sir Christopher Wren and historic home to Britain's Astronomers Royal. Take a fascinating glimpse into the apartments where the Astronomers Royal and their families lived and worked in our new Observatory Life display.

On top of Flamsteed House is one of the world’s earliest public time signals, the bright red Time Ball, which has been in operation since 1833. See it drop at 1pm every day!

Find out how the Royal Observatory became the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and see John Harrison's ground-breaking timekeepers H1, H2, H3 and H4 up close in our Time Galleries.

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Opening Times


Daily 10.00-17.00.
Closed 24–26 December.

Opening times may vary. Please check website for details.


Please check website for details.